DMCA Compliance Policy

Welcome to As a responsible entity committed to upholding intellectual property rights, we strictly adhere to the guidelines set forth by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). This policy serves to elucidate our unwavering dedication to protecting copyrighted material and outlines the procedures for addressing copyright infringement claims.

Copyright Infringement Notification

Should you believe that any content hosted on our website infringes upon your copyright, we urge you to promptly notify us To ensure expeditious processing of your claim, please furnish us with a comprehensive written communication encompassing the following details:

1. Your physical or electronic signature or that of an authorized representative.
2. Identification of the copyrighted work alleged to have been infringed, or a comprehensive list if multiple works are involved.
3. Precise identification of the infringing material, including its specific location on our website.
4. Ample contact information facilitating direct communication, including your address, telephone number, and email address.
5. A statement affirming your bona fide belief that the disputed use of the material is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
6. A statement certifying the accuracy of the information provided in the notification, under penalty of perjury.

Please direct all copyright infringement notifications to


Should you believe that your content was erroneously removed or disabled due to misidentification, you retain the right to submit a counter-notification. Your counter-notification must include the following elements:

1. Your physical or electronic signature.
2. Identification of the material that was removed or to which access was disabled, along with its previous location on our website.
3. A statement asserting, under penalty of perjury, that you possess a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of a mistake or misidentification.
4. Your complete name, address, telephone number, and a declaration consenting to the jurisdiction of the competent court in India.

Kindly forward all counter-notifications to

Important Notes

At, we take allegations of copyright infringement with the utmost seriousness and undertake prompt investigation into all such claims. We expressly reserve the right to expeditiously remove or disable access to any material on our website that is found to be infringing upon the intellectual property rights of others. Additionally, we maintain the prerogative to terminate the accounts of any users found to be repeat infringers.

Should you encounter instances of our website content being disseminated on social media platforms, search engines, or through any other form of advertisement, we welcome direct communication via email.

We extend our sincere gratitude for your cooperation in helping us maintain an environment that respects and upholds intellectual property rights.